Modern Slavery Statement 2024

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “MSA”) and constitutes the slavery and human trafficking statement of Coach Lead Limited (“COACH/LEAD™”, “we”, “our”).

We are committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking, and to significantly minimising the risk of it taking place in our supply chains.

We are a fully remote working SME business with a flat organisational structure based in the United Kingdom. While we are not required to publish a statement because our annual turnover is below £36m, we have chosen voluntarily to do so.

Our main supply chains are:

  • Independent contractors, engaged on commercially competitive agreements
  • Electronic equipment suppliers
  • Print on demand providers and suppliers
  • SaaS providers

While our current assessment is that our risks are low, we continue to embed due diligence in our supplier selection processes, for example by mapping our supply chain and checking for certifications related to responsible, sustainable and ethical business practices.

We encourage integrity of conduct and actively welcome our people to raise concerns and risks in any parts of our business, including the selection of our providers.

We adhere to local and national laws in the United Kingdom.

We adhere to our Behaviours & Values Code of Conduct that prohibits any threat of violence, harassment and intimidation, and indeed we encourage the reporting of any violations without bias and receive them with gratitude.

Our employees and contractors are involved in discussions regarding their working hours, and, where schedules allow and in line with our Information Security Policies, they determine their hours and location of work. Furthermore, they have freedom of association, and they are free to terminate employment and contracts with COACH/LEAD™.

Our people are aware of and trained to identify the signs of modern slavery, make ethical choices when purchasing products and resources, and know they can call the UK Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700 for information and guidance.

This statement was reviewed and approved by the Board on 25 April 2024.

Sehaam Cyrene
Coach Lead Limited